1. Scope of the Agreement

This Distance Sales Contract (“Contract”) is established between Two Ararat Turizm Ticaret Ltd. Şti (“Company”) and the customer (“Customer”) who purchases services through online reservation, to define the rights and obligations regarding the sale and performance of climbing and tour services, in accordance with the legal regulations related to distance sales in Turkey.

2. Definitions

  • Company: Two Ararat Turizm Ticaret Ltd. Şti.
  • Customer: The individual or legal entity who purchases the services offered by the Company online.
  • Service: Climbing and tour organizations provided by the Company.

3. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

  • Company’s Obligations: The Company undertakes to provide the services selected by the Customer in accordance with the conditions specified in the contract. The Company is responsible for the safe and timely delivery of services.
  • Customer’s Obligations: The Customer is required to provide all necessary information accurately and completely for the provision of services. The Customer must comply with the rules set by the Company during the performance of the services.

4. Payment Terms

  • The Customer is obliged to pay for the services as specified during the reservation. Payments can be made to the bank accounts designated by the Company or through online payment systems.

5. Delivery of Services

  • Services are performed on the date and time selected by the Customer. In case of any delay or disruption, the Company will inform the Customer as soon as possible.

6. Cancellation and Refund Policy

  • The Customer must notify the Company in writing of any cancellation and refund requests. Cancellation and refund conditions are applied according to the general terms specified on the Company’s website.

7. Confidentiality

  • The Company is committed to protecting the confidentiality of the Customer’s personal information. This information will only be used for the performance of services and fulfillment of legal obligations.

8. Dispute Resolution

  • Any disputes arising from this Contract will primarily be attempted to be resolved amicably between the parties. If a resolution cannot be achieved, the courts and enforcement offices in Istanbul are authorized.

9. Effectiveness

  • This Contract becomes effective with the Customer’s electronic approval and remains valid until the completion of service performance.


This contract provides a legal framework for distance sales between Two Ararat Turizm Ticaret Ltd. Şti and the Customer. The Customer can benefit from the services by accepting the terms set forth in this contract. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service